"Know-how and extensive experience in B2B after-sales service.""
Our company, based in Romanel-sur-Lausanne with a branch in Oberentfelden, renders service to professionals.
Thanks to our broad experience in repairing Nespresso coffee machines and numerous developments in this field, we can offer you:
- Repair service in the workshop : We pick up the malfunctioning machine and send it back to your client once it has been repaired.
- On-site repair service : D+1 after a remote diagnostic, 7 days a week.
- Preventive maintenance service.
- 4New machine installation service : for complete installation of a new machine, replacement or loan of a machine for an event.
- A guarantee of quality, safety and protection of the environment.
Business sectors
- Nespresso customer service
- Machine resellers
- Hotels / Restaurants
Our certifications
- Nespresso Self Assessment Audit
- Nestlé (Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Audit Program) SMETA 4 Pillars requirements
- ZB00102 in the SENS Recycling certification program
Our customer service covers all Swiss regions.
We are at your disposal 7 days a week, 365 days a year. In case of emergency, we can repair your machine from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., giving you more reliable service year-round.